Macca's Blog

Macca’s Memes #3

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Craig “Macca” McGown has spent more than half his life exploring and working all over Australia. He has been involved in the outdoor leisure industry for over 15 of those years and has an intimate understanding of what does and doesn’t work in Australia’s harshest environments.

7 Responses

  1. Given the comments made by Sir Ian prior to the test, I believe your comments were quite reserved and very appropriate .

  2. It is only the last word that might offend! Otherwise typical Macca that we look forward to

  3. Political correctness gone wrong again I don’t see a problem with it at all. the do gooders need to brush up on our Aussie humour I think then we can stick it up em

  4. So facebook are happy to promote scammers across their “marketplace” and for them to impersonate others – but god forbid if you take the piss….

  5. ‘Your just a naughty little boy!’
    OMG where is their sense of humor.

  6. Facebook are a pack of girls who like to impose THEIR bloody thoughts that you should have